Volunteer Fire Department

- Assist. Chief James Turner
- Michael Blansit
- Mike Winder
- Joey Garrett
- Lori Blackburn
- Caleb White
- Chad Wooten
- Pam Wooten
- Johnny Mack Ferguson
- Josh Shoults
Trash Collection
Trash Collection is not provided by the town of Hammondville at this time, however, this service is typically provided by Arrow Disposal Service, Inc. (ADSI). For more information, visit their website at http://arrowdisposal.net/
The Hammondville Department of Public Works handles the following:
- Street Department
- Pothole Repair
- City Vehicle Fleet Maintenance and Repair
- Preparation and Posting of Street, Pedestrian, Parking, Speed Limit, and Directional Signage
- City Building and City Property Maintenance
If you notice an issue that needs to be addressed, please contact us with the details.